(443) 679-4237 [email protected]

      Your Career Starts Here

      We are building a global talent community for technically skilled job-seekers, making it easy for you to connect with the best opportunities in government and defense contracting.

        You have the clearance and skills, and we have the resources to find you your next gig.

        Talos Mission Solutions Inc. (TMSi) works with the top companies in government and defense contracting. They look to us to find the best cleared talent available, and we know great talent when we see it. We can get your resume in front of decision makers, as well as help you advance in your career and work on exciting CONUS or OCONUS projects. Our experts have done the work and know what it takes to be successful. Apply today with TMSi.

        International Talent Base

        Talos Mission Solutions Inc. (TMSi) gives you access to quality jobs across the world. Gain exposure to a multitude of career opportunities, both nationwide and overseas.

        Streamlined Hiring Process

        Our expert recruiters match you with roles that best fit your experience and interests. TMSi simplfies the application process and increases your liklihood of getting hired.


        Access to Top Contractors

        We work with the industry’s leading contractors with active hiring needs. With TMSi, you’ll have access to the best career opportunities in government and defense contracting worldwide.

        How Can We Help?

        15 + 4 =

        Two businessmen shaking hands

        Tap into our vast network of cleared talent.

        TMSi offers a wide range of services that are focused on supplying experienced, qualified, and cleared candidates for CONUS and OCONUS positions. To learn more about how we can deliver outstanding talent for your next project, contact us today.